Entah la...
7/28/2010 12:10:00 AM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Entah la, tak tau kenapa bole jadi macam ni. Aku kalah sikit dengan dugaan kecik yang macam ni. Separuh jiwa dan semangat dah terbang entah ke mana. Aku dah buat keputusan-keputusan gila (dan mungkin agak bodoh) yang menyakitkan kepala dan hati aku ja! Aku tinggalkan tanggungjawab dan komitmen aku yang penting-penting. Aku blur, tak bole fikir dengan waras sejak tu. 

Serius, aku rasa bersalah sangat! Tapi aku tak bole tipu satu dunia dengan berlagak ok. Aku surrender kali ni tapi tak bermakna aku akan terus macam ni. Yes, aku perlukan masa lupakan semua ni dan move on, untuk kembali macam dulu, kuat macam dulu untuk perkara-perkara yang aku sayang and perlukan perhatian aku. 

Miserable, it distracted me too badly, am so sorry everyone! 

Ah, tahunan yang sia-sia!! Tuhan, tolong lindungi aku daripada kedukaan dan kekecewaan yang berpanjangan.

p/s: null 5.

p/s2: Thanks kawan2 (bee, mimi, jee & atih) yang cuba menceriakan aku. So sweet~ 

7/17/2010 11:55:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

Gotcha~ =)
17-07-10, 6 pm

Duyung Aridinata...cutenya!
7/12/2010 11:09:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Petang tadi aku tengok cerita Duyung Aridinata untuk slot Lagenda TV3. Hari ni Episod 1. Aku mula-mula tak plan pun nak tengok cerita ni, tapi kebetulan pulak terbukak TV3 masa siaran cerita ni. So, layaaaan

Cute kan Duyung Aridinata ni tido dengan bantal2 gitu?  hehe~
Cerita ni ala-ala cerita Dyesebel dari Filipina tu. Cuma watak duyung ni lelaki, bukan perempuan macam selalu. Baru tengok episod 1, aku dah jatuh hati dengan cerita ni. Cuteeee sangat! Aku suka dengan watak2 dalam cerita tu. Zach F yang main watak Duyung Aridinata tu nampak comel dan innocent...hehe~ Watak ayah Aridinata (Tony Eusoff) dan mak Aridinata (Rozi Rashid) pun sweet jugak...terutamanya ayah dia yang kelakar dan selamba tu!

Memang tergelak-gelak aku tengok cerita ni. Ada jugak adegan2 poyo yang mencuit hati. Overall, cerita ni menghiburkan dan aku terasa nak tengok sampai habes walaupun macam tak sempat sebab nak balik utp dah...

Gambar-gambar, ihsan dari sini.

In My Wishlist, so far...
7/12/2010 08:18:00 AM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

In my wish list so far, I'm really keen to have this Nokia 6700 Slide. Siyesly weyh, jatuh cinta pandang pertama dengan handphone ni...
Mine one is of course in lime green colour! Really hope to get it soon...huuu~ 

The Twillight Saga : Eclipse; not bad laaa...
7/11/2010 05:36:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Yesterday, my sister and I went to watch the wanted-movie-to-watch, The Twilight Saga : Eclipse. 

From what we have watched, this movie was quite ok...bole tahan la...Like what other people were commenting about this movie, they were hoping more for the action scenes, but then Eclipse this time I guess emphasized more on the love triangle between Bella, Edward and of course Jacob. There are so many kissing scenes also.

Eclipse shows that Bella's life was endangered when she is being hunted by the vampire soldiers created by Victoria, who is in a mission of revenge towards Edward for killing his boyfriend, James. To protect Bella from that harm, Edward and Jacob are willing to cooperate and even being helped by their family members. 

Their preparations to face the new-born vampires attracts the audience. Of course we are hoping more on the battle part. If the battle part is prolonged a little bit more, maybe this Eclipse can be more interesting and stunning. 

Despite of all this, we were still entertained by the sense of humour from the jealousy between Edward and Jacob. It is obvious that they quarrel more in this episode because of Bella. In term of acting, the three main characters manage to enliven their role. Even their facial expressions and body languages  are also not disappointing. Overall, it's good. =)

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