To be heard
4/30/2009 09:21:00 AM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Don't hold all your feelings within. Talk and share with someone. That's the best way, ryte? That's normal. Even if we can't change the immediate situation, talking about it helps alleviate some of the tension we may be feeling.

That sounds easy, but not for me at certain cases, of course. I'm not the one who likes to share my stressful and sad feelings with others. So, please don't feel weird when I say that everything is OK in my unusual face. I'm really, really choosy to whom I wanna express my feeling. huuu~ To those who care, just give me time, I'll tell you later. :)

Down the time, I'm a fast-recovered person. (dulu kot, sekarang ni macam tak ja..haih..emo-tak-kena-tempat *sigh*). OK, frankly speaking, I'm stuck in the middle of this new-sudden-takBestLangsung environment. I'm adapting in my recovery process. Perhaps, it's just that I need to be heard if not to be understood. I'll be better in time.

The happy feelings? Don't worry. I love to share them with everyone! ;D

To be heard if not to be understood~

p/s: Thanx for listening, my brother. =)
lebiu~ ah-ha! *naughty2 face* ;P

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Salah lagi
4/25/2009 08:41:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

Salahkah aku untuk pentingkan diri sikit saja demi penuhi impian dan amanah ibu bapa aku
yang belum tentu dapat aku usahakan sepenuhnya???
Salahkah aku untuk terus jaga perasaan semua...tapi aku sendiri....
Ya, tu semua memang salah aku.

Letakkan saja semua kesalahan tu pada aku.
sebab memang sendiri aku yang bersalah.
Tak pandai nak bahagi diri, walau aku tak punya masa.
Sikit2 tanpa aku sedar, aku tinggalkan tanggungjawab aku,
untuk hal amanah yang mungkin sangat remeh pada pandangan orang lain.
Tapi satu dugaan buat aku yang memang cetek ilmu di dada.
Untuk semuanya, memang aku tak layak.

Maaf. Memang aku yang bersalah.
Tak mampu nak puaskan hati semua orang.
Tak mampu nak gembirakan hati semua orang
dengan segala kelemahan diri yang aku ada.

Hanya senyuman itu saja yang mampu terzahir.

p/s 1: Tersepit.
p/s 2: "Mengapa selalu aku yang mengalah
tak pernah kah kau berpikir
sedikit tentang hatiku"
- lirik lagu Mengalah, oleh Seventeen.

p/s 3: immune pls...
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4/22/2009 04:22:00 AM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Pilihan. Kita selalu punya banyak pilihan. Terpulang pada kita nak buat pilihan yang mana satu. Tapi adakalanya, keadaan sekeliling terlalu memberi kesan sampai kita tak punya ruang untuk berfikir dan buat pilihan. Ok, mungkin ramai yang terlalu faham, jadi buat apa nak cakap lagi. Memang diam itu bukan cara yang betul, tapi buat saja bila tiba-tiba kita tak punya jawapan. Mungkin kita hanya mampu ikut saja keadaan. Itu pun belum tentu dapat puaskan hati semua orang.

p/s: Kurang komitmen, MAAF,
bukanlah orang yang sempurna untuk dibahagikan banyak bahagian pada satu masa.

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again, Pooh & Tigger !
4/18/2009 09:47:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Dah lama tak updet blog. Minggu ni sangat sibuk dengan esemen n projek semua...
hohoho...very tiring...bak kata rumet
'Minggu horror dah berlalu, minggu disaster plak bakal datang'
mana taknya minggu dpan ada 3 tests + 3 projects submission...

just nak updet siket...
minggu lepas dapat lagi satu hadiah besday...
hadiah ni daripada kak anis..
tau tak dia kasi apa??
dia kasi ni...

Si baby tigger~
so, so sweet!~

herm...sekarang my Pooh bear dah ada pakwe tau..

Pooh & Tigger

sangat besh peluk diorg masa tido... :P

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Lulus USR
4/16/2009 08:46:00 AM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

Ktorg ahli-ahli UTP lulus Ujian Sijil Rendah Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia

senarai penuh bole dilihat di sini.

Semoga dengan kelulusan ini akan menyemarakkan lagi semangat ktorg semua dalam persatuan...amiin~

Jumpa semua kat Sambutan Perayaan 44 Tahun PSSCM

29-31 Mei 2009, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.

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4/14/2009 02:43:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa
Salahkah kalau terlalu baik???
Gembiralah wahai hati... =)

p/s: angkara virus...rosak sudah pemacu pen aku..adey~ ;-|

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Collision of Emotions 2!
4/05/2009 01:31:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

Herm. This is just an addition to my previous post. For so sudden, my insecure feeling starts to collide with the other feelings. OH NO! Frankly speaking, I don't really like this new environment, but who cares? Just be quiet, right? That's it, I feel like losing something from my heart, blooming the deep-seated heebie-jeebies inside. Now, I really, really realized that I can't afford to lose the eyes and the smile. Oh My GOD, help. Give me the courage and patience, please! -huhu-

p/s: Perlukah dimensi tu membutakan mataku, memekakkan telingaku? tapi kenapa?
Akukah yang selalu tak nampak dan tak dengar?

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Collision of Emotions!
4/04/2009 01:49:00 PM | Author: eVy-D-YaNa

Uh. lately I'm facing this syndrom, the collision of emotions! ahakz!~

I got irritated. Simply bcoz of the LAN internet connection in my residential college. Extremely BAD! Can you imagine life in UTP without google, gmail, gtalk n blogspot? Those sites are only able when being accessed by wireless connection. But, my room is just at ground floor, so, the chance of getting wireless connection is very LOW! Of course, it is so hard for me to find informations on my assignments and so on, to download files and to blogging. -sigh-

I do really wonder what does MPP do to handle this situation. They should become the student's rep in terms of welfare right? What actions have they taken to tackle this issue? It's been quite a time the students are facing with this internet connection problems and this give effects on our study. No actions have been taken I guessed, as the internet is getting worse. -sough-

I got stressed up. Maybe this is not too crystal clear for you all to see. But deep inside my head, already screwed up with so many things to be handled in the nearest time period. With 4 more projects to go, assignments, events and other commitment, I do really need to divide my time equally and accordingly. It's too challenging to become a top scorer. My family expectation is quite high, and this means that I need to maintain or preferrredly to improve my academis performance. sabar ja la. -sob2-

Somehow, I could feel the sense of misery. It's only a week after the mid-sem break, but I started to miss my mama, my abah, my che pe'ah and my home. This longing keeps lingering. on me -huwaa-

Luckily, I have my second family here. My brothers and sisters. Be with them, I can easily be happy, for sure. That's why when I'm in the middle of something or when I need to run from those haywires, I choose to hang around with them. Even for one or two hours makan2 at Sitik. Ah-ha! Plus, I watch movies with them. Happy. There I could find my source of inspiration, the eyes and the smile. That could keep the smile on my face, extremely sure on this! -ahakz!- ;D

So far, this is my update. My ink will stop here. =)

p/s 1 : Apa2 pun...jangan lupa senyum k... ;)
p/s 2 : Terpaksa la online wireless kat kafe. baru dapat updet blog. aduhai!~

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