ALHAMDU LILLAH.....the final exam was over! ~relief~
-time to celebrate...hehe...butterflies =D-
After almost a month of very hectic daily last it's all least for this sem~ *sigh*
Whatever I've done or written in the exam...tawakal ja la...all out, I've tried my very2 best...
-time to celebrate...hehe...butterflies =D-
After almost a month of very hectic daily last it's all least for this sem~ *sigh*
Whatever I've done or written in the exam...tawakal ja la...all out, I've tried my very2 best...
And the hope is still & always there~ DEAN'S LIST!!!
InsyaAllah...of course, this token of achievement will not only be for my self-satisfaction, but also for my lovely parents (mama & abah) & everybody that continuously pray for my ocean of thank you.. =)
sculptured in my heart, hopefully for all the time,
"Study rajin-rajin...banggakan mama & abah...harumkan nama silat cekak, dengan berkat guru~"
for this almost one month of frantic days that :
1 - flared up pimples on my face!
(esp on the forehead & cheek) [remembering the phone conversation with mama, "tu la, mama dh pesan..jangan tension2.....bla2..bla2..."] - it's not that I'm too stress or what, but the never-ending text to be read & understood + memorized sometimes (esp for the 2nd last paper, MOB) just made my head dizzy + tipsy and turned my hormones upside down...AUWWW!!!! -huduh2- =(
2 - elevated my appetite!
eat regardless of time mcm badak @ gajah @ whateva...(esp choc [choki2, nestle on] & sweets) aiyork! ~(=_+)~
3 - flourished my body!
increment of body weight~ OH NO!! (mana tak nya...asyik makan, duduk, study & tido ja...ooopss..jalan cket2..tu pn nk pi n balik IRC...ngeh3~ ;P) dah rasa mcm monster neyh...berat2..adoy..mcm na nak slim balik neyh! haih~ ~(+_+)~
4 - blackened the underneath of my eyes!
simply look-like bruises of being mortared by a fist (tu la study lg last2 minit...kan kena stay up..padan muka~ ;P) ~(^_^)~
IRC had become my second home in UTP....huk3~ day & night for almost every day...not only me...but also my fellow friends...bee, jee, the others too.
As usual...time for photos! mana bole dok IRC study ja...jammed!
-inspiReD & moTivaTeD-
study! study!
wif bee & jee or my so-called kak long n kak ngah
on da way...nak ikot? jom!
konon mcm tgh study...hehe..
take a break! peace~
boring? let's look at what we can do..haa ;P
p/s: my first sem of being an undergrad student accomplished~ another 3 years to go....chaiyok! =)
4 butterflies:
berkat guru, karamah ibu serta hikmah bapa...
tahniah...semoga berjaya..amiiin
semoge impian dapat dean's list tercapai :)
tenkiu kak ina & kak chuna~ =)